By Orion Perez D:
(Undated in 2016)
Rodrigo Duterte is exactly the kind of sneaky Ulysses/Odysseus-like operator that the Philippines needs. We don’t have the resources for sophisticated tech and operations, so simple stratagems are what work.
So a bunch of European nitwits coming from some SJW outfits came to the Philippines to badmouth the Philippine Government at some “conference.” They posed as if they were part of some kind of EU delegation of sorts.
So Duterte lashed out at the ambassadors of EU countries because of the behavior of the European delegates to say that if they really want to act as if they own the Philippines, then they’re free to leave in 24 hours and ties with their countries will be cut.
Well, not long after the public tirade, the EU itself came out to issue an official statement that DISOWNED the SJW nitwits said that those SJWs were not part of any official EU delegation and affirmed their commitment to work constructively with the Philippine Government and for the benefit of the Filipino People.
Duterte essentially made a move that caused the EU itself to disown and throw those European SJW nitwits under the bus, making them lose their credibility.
Duterte has many times made moves that seem to make no sense but they elicit a response from the intended target that ends up beneficial for Duterte and gives him an advantage in the overall scheme of things.
(Remember how his tirade regarding Obama’s meddling almost overnight got us into a less hostile arrangement with China and solved the Scarborough Shoal stand-off and gained us some new friends - including Russia? Anti-Duterte Naysayers just have to quit being a bunch of unimaginative idiots who don’t understand how stratagems work.)
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