
Thursday, October 26, 2017

The Tyranny of the Opposition and the Oligarchy. The tyrants and the dictators in our midst.

By Abe Purugganan
October 20, 2017

“For centuries, we have been their peasants; they have been our serf lords. That was the status quo! But their game was for it not to seem that way. So they controlled us. They controlled us by what we watch on tv, what we listen to on the radio. What was taught in school. They dumbed us down with their shows; they instilled fear by what was fed to us in the news. They made themselves heroes by what was written in textbooks. And they controlled our wealth by monopolizing industry among themselves. They created such a deep divide that they thought of themselves as the rulers of the little brown men.” Jovybev explained.

A revolutionary government is the only way to overthrow this political and economic tyrants and dictators. These are the opposition, the liberals, and oligarchy who ruled over us in the guise of democracy, liberalism, globalism, human rights, free speech, checks and balances, rule of law, and constitutionality. They are the enemies in our midst, who pretend concern for us but only to enrich themselves, steal from us, and take advantage of the richness of our land.They are the true enemies of the state.

A revolutionary government is the only way to restore sanity and decency in our political system, and restoring back power to our people. It will be a march to the empowerrment of our people and the opening of doors of economic opportunity for all. It will be a delivarance from all bondages of poverty, deprivation, violence, and political and economic abuse and oppression, and corruption that have been set upon us by these tyrants for decades.

A revolutionary government is a people's initiative, an affirmative action, one that is decisive to liberate us from these enemies in our midst.

A revolutionary government is a decisive march towards a federalism. It is a transition government to a parliamentary- federal government. It is march towards security, peace and progress- to a good and decent life for every Fiilipino.

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