
Sunday, October 22, 2017


‪(undated in 2016)‬

‪The issue in the Philippines is far more than the persona of one individual - that of its current president. It is far more than your claims about how he has caused the miracle of getting government employees, police and other people to pay attention to their responsibilities and do their jobs. ‬

‪The issue is far more than the nitty gritty of today's everyday occurrences around the country - from extra judicial killings, scandal mongering, vendetta among people with axes to grind, drug-war, Duterte's frothing mouth or Duterte's glorified status (like that of with Kim Jung Un's god-status). ‬

‪The issue is far more than the fact that it was a false iconic image that was sold to the Filipino public and which was drummed in ther brains about Duterte. ‬

‪It is definitely more than the issue that it is a Chinese-backed propaganda campaign that concocted a Duterte's almost divine image to cater to the Filipino people's naivete and to play on their fanaticism for sinner-turned-saint Dirty Harries. And the reason for this is because Duterte was a man that Communist China owns and that he was put up in the Philippine presidency to serve China's purpose and to put into motion the necessary steps of getting the Philippines under the wings of Communist China.‬

‪Duterte's antics are deemed erratic and irrational even coming from a lower office of the government. Even for Teodoro Locsin - once a Duterte critic who turned into a rabid mini-frothy-mouth-avid- Duterte- supporter as soon as his colossal ego was given some massaging. It was soothed by Duterte- a tactical move that says that the man knows his craft. That craft is how to turn people and render them to be self-destruct.‬

‪In Locsin's case, what better way is there to flatter a fool than Duterte to let him ride a chariot of the gods by appointing him as the country's representative to the United Nations. ‬

‪Duterte's erratic actions, deplorable as they are, are not without purpose. The actions are calculated in conjunction with China's implied agenda of hegemony which is contested with vehement disapproval by other strong global powers. ‬

‪There is goodness in the man and certainly it rests within his personal intentions. And perhaps this is why when one vets the first 100 years of Duterte's being in presidential office, one can ascertain that there have been changes in some local government units and national government departments. And it can be said that these changes are individual actions and decisions of a few officials that offer optimistic 'for-the-better' promises by these few to do their jobs as they should be performed. (Just to assert here that amongst decent governments, officials are set against the expectations of the public about their performance of their work duties and obligations. Doing their jobs right and to the best of their ability is a duty and not a favour for which the public owe them any debt of gratitude.) ‬

‪Incidentally, when seeing this type of 'change', Filipinos gobble up the rant that all positive jobs of individuals today are 'Duterte -given-miracle' because they have been too apathetic previously that they have enablers of misfits.‬

‪Going back to the crucial issue that the outrageous and raging internal issues: Duterte's erratic actions, drug war, Senator Delima vs Duterte, the senate charade - are grabbing the focus of the world's attention. The more important issue about the Philippines' folding up under the protection of China is constantly being tried to be blocked off from view. ‬

‪Duterte has been gradually and calculatedly cultivating the Filipino people's acceptance of China to be the Philippines' ultimate master from the time his election campaign started. The gradual 'heart-and-mind' courting was instigated in the social media via campaign propaganda with a Chinese style trademark using hightech hackers, spammers and thousands of trolls. These were all employed to bump off any non-Duterte material. Armed with unsurpassed temerity, the propaganda campaign toyed with international personalities in most absurd and despicable social media manipulation that people actually believed that the Pope was endorsing some unknown name from Woop-woop for political position. ‬

‪And so yes, those Filipinos who were not bought by China with Chinese business and economic power, were later converted into 'Hail-China' and 'go-home-America' by a Chinese-backed- Duterte-propaganda-campaign. The process has been tactically calculated and implemented using divertionary gimmicks to divert the focus of the world attention from China's building up in the Philippines and its militarization of the Philippine-ceded Scarborough Shoal.‬

‪It is tragic that Filipinos should be convinced that its territory should be given away as gift anyway after it has been determined by The UN tribunal court for arbitration that 'yes, it is the Philippines that has sovereignty over it'. It is tragic that Filipinos think nothing of being side-blinded and being short-changed when a part of their country's territory is given up. It is even more tragic that they will condone the mutilation of their own humanity as a people on the premise that what happens inside the premises of the Philippines is Philippine business only - that it's nobody else's business.‬

‪The Philippines is not isolated from the outside world. The internal issues have repercussions that are not exclusive to the Filipinos. The country has its obligations to the global community to which it must abide. One of which is to uphold human rights. ‬
‪When people in the Philippines rejoice and are jubilant about what they consider as 'calm, peace and fear of authority' and that such 'calm, peace and fear of authority' came about from state-endorsed murder and vigilantism, then, such state of 'calm, peace and fear of authority' is not the state that it professes itself to be. It is a dangerous underside of anarchy that is ready to explode anytime.‬

‪A murder of one innocent human being is one too many. One life taken out is one too many not to be given due process of law. No one deserves to be a collateral damage. No person deserves to be killed on the premise that he is at the wrong place, at a wrong time.‬

‪But this is just one meagre point in the affairs within the country that has become the issue on whether Duterte's administration should continue to govern or not.‬

‪Should he or should he not....‬

‪Source: FB/Norma Hennessy‬

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