
Sunday, October 29, 2017


By Jose Alejandrino

If President Duterte is given provisional extraordinary powers by the people, what do I foresee to be his legacy?

1. Restoration of law and order and a diminution of corruption, criminality and illegal drugs.

2. Economic takeoff that will turn the Philippines into one of the Asian tigers.

3. Restoration of national pride and dignity and respect of countries around the world.

4. New constitutional order, most likely a parliamentary-federal system.

A new constitutional order will shift the balance of power of national politics due to the re-distribution and devolution of powers.

At the federal government level, the president, prime-minister, speaker of the House of Parliament and CJ of the Supreme Court will be the main fulcrum of power.

At the federal state and autonomous province level, the governors and mayors will benefit from a greater devolution of power from the central to the local level.

If our politicians have any vision, this should be the roadmap they prepare.

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