
Sunday, October 22, 2017


By Yesu Ben
October 19, 2017

Two Governments
Federalism is like having two constitutionally recognized governments because it combines jurisdiction in a central or national government and in multiple regional governments. In most Federal governments, the national government is charged with national defense, foreign policies and other policies whilst a local government is charged with “provincial” or regional issues. This division varies from country to country...some countries have national governments with very little power; whereas in others, the regional governments are given limited jurisdictions. The difference in Federalism of countries fall in the quantity of jurisdiction or power that fall on their governments. Canada, the US, Malaysia, Brazil, Russia, Argentina, Nigeria, France, Germany and Australia. Our country is planning to develop its own style patterning it more closely to German and French Federalism.

Unitary governments may maintain regional local governments which do not have political jurisdiction. These countries include Japan, UK, South Korea, Singapore and China.

Why is Federalism preferable in the Philippines.

Here are the reasons:
Federalism puts a check on the misuse of power. In the current political system, political elites are able to control and abuse government power as we are now clearly witnessing. The Unitary form enabled the past administration to find ways to control all 3 branches. In a federal form, political oligarchy will find it more difficult to control and direct the government.

Federalism is perfect for a region with a large and unique population as it can protect the population’s interests including those in pertaining to religion (as in the case of Muslim areas), ethnic and even those that pertain to language. For instance, in a unitary form, Muslims or Igorots are considered a minority and are thus in the mercy of the majority who enjoy greater political and directional powers. But in a Fed form, they can comprise the majority of the region.

A federal form enables federal governments to oversee larger geographical districts. In a nation with a very large population, this is very advantageous for citizens who live in far-flung areas. Thus in a fed form, technological, medical, and social benefits and advances become more available to people who are otherwise ignored.

In designing a Federal form of government, we must consider that it can also worsen political divisions within the country. Thus the constitution must provide for means to address this possibility. The national government must also be given enough power to deal with nationals issues like poverty, external threats, fortuitous events, and more.
In the Philippines, our planned fed gov may comprise of a national gov and multiple regional govs. Generally the national government enacts laws for the entire country via a national parliament, and exercises its powers independently from regional governments. There will be a ceremonial President but the executive council will be headed by a Prime Minister. The Judiciary will mostly be retained after weeding out questionable Justices and Judges.

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